Welcome to the student scheduler programmer. Tired of the ugly printout from tele? (See a sample!) So was I. Well worry no more!
You have several options:
In no time at all you'll have a schedule worth of hanging on your wall! We respect your privacy and will not save any information on our servers. However, you'll get a cookie which temporarily stores your data on your computer so you can come back and get another schedule. Give it a try: I'm sure you'll like it!
If the output from the scheduler is not what is expected, please check to make sure you copied EVERYTHING from the tele page. I'm also pretty sure there are some bugs (no one is perfect - and there are many many irregularities in the schedules from UCI!) Please email webmaster@ucihome.com if you have any questions or want to report a bug. Not responsible for any inaccuracies.
Copyright (c) 2001 Owen Prater. All rights reserved.